Hey, I’m Kathie.

Founder & Creative Director
For me, designing websites is like putting together a beautiful puzzle. But I started off life as a consultant so it’s become second nature to ask questions beyond aesthetics.
Are you still thinking about that podcast you heard on passive income? Or maybe it’s time to elevate your brand to attract a different type of client?
As your partner and not your employee, I’m able to maintain objectivity in providing feedback and helping you solve problems. I want you to sleep soundly at night knowing that someone out there is equally invested in your success.
I’m not just here to build your website, I’m here to help you grow your business. So, no matter how tactical or strategic the task, I’m ready for it.
Hey, I’m Kathie.
For me, designing websites is like putting together a beautiful puzzle. But I started off life as a consultant so it’s become second nature to ask questions beyond aesthetics.
Are you still thinking about that podcast you heard on passive income? Or maybe it’s time to elevate your brand to attract a different type of client?
As your partner and not your employee, I’m able to maintain objectivity in providing feedback and helping you solve problems. I want you to sleep soundly at night knowing that someone out there is equally invested in your success.
I’m not just here to build your website, I’m here to help you grow your business. So, no matter how tactical or strategic the task, I’m ready for it.

Founder & Creative Director
Pop Quiz
1. What’s your sign?
I’m a Libra, so I’m all about balance and harmony.
2. Small get together or huge bash?
Definitely a small get together. Small talk is the worst—let’s get intimate!
3. Favorite food?
Sour gummy worms, pizza, shrimp pasta, and chocolate chip cookies.
5. What’s your favorite time of year?
Fall, of course! September is when the magic starts.
7. Where’s home?
Winston-Salem, NC
9. What do you love most about designing websites?
That moment when clients become friends!
4. Not-so-guilty pleasures?
Hair gel, trashy romance novels, Netflix binge sessions, and my Spotify account.
6. Do you have a favorite song?
Never. It’s too impossible to nail down.
8. Do you have a favorite vacay spot?
London, Panama, and Jackson Hole, WY.

1. What’s your sign?
I’m a Libra, so I’m all about balance and harmony.
2. Small get together or huge bash?
Definitely a small get together. I live for authentic conversations that cut to the core rather than living on the surface.
3. Favorite food?
Bring me to my knees with sour gummy worms, pizza, and chocolate chip cookies.
4. Not-so-guilty pleasures?
I couldn’t survive without hair gel, trashy romance novels, Netflix binge sessions, and my Spotify account.
5. What’s your favorite time of year?
Fall, of course! Not only is September just a special month for me, it marks the start of my favorite time of year. The month I got married. The month I had my first child—though not in the same year lol 😉 . And best of all, it kicks off a cascade of birthdays for our family and gets us free falling into autumn and the start of the holiday season. I love it.
6. Do you have a favorite song?
Never. I love music of all kinds, I could never pick a favorite. But “September” by Earth, Wind & Fire is “our song” and just such a classic!
7. Where do you call home?
I live in Winston-Salem, NC, with my husband, two kids, and two pups. It’s really the best. You should definitely visit!
8. Do you have a favorite vacay spot?
London, Panama, and Jackson Hole, WY. I was an anglophile well before studying abroad in Bath, England, but it didn’t take much for London to become my favorite city. Panama holds a special place in my heart given my Panamanian heritage. And Jackson Hole, well that place just floored me with its beauty. If you haven’t been, I highly recommend a trip!
9. What do you love most about designing websites?
I do really enjoy that final moment where all the details click and we have a gorgeous website as a result. But I love the part when my client messages me about a new”crazy” idea they wanted to get my take on for the business. That’s the moment we become partners and very often—friends!